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Louise Rogers

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Trollbeads Gallery's Reprint of Article by Fair Jewellry Action

Posted by Louise Rogers on Sun, Jul 18, 2010 @ 22:07 PM
Greenland Ruby
As a seller of Trollbeads I follow a variety of jewelry related blogs. I feel compelled to share this one as it effects the Innuits, a people celebrated by Trollbeads with the retired Trollbead "Innuit". Of interest also is the Ruby stone bead by Trollbeads. What is their source?

Plenty of Ruby for everyone as long as you are Canadian.

The Apartheid Ruby of Greenland.

Surely this cannot be, the word Apartheid is a strong word to apply to such a benign idea as Ruby from Greenland. Yet unfortunately and to the shame of Denmark and Greenland this is exactly what is happening. Inuit and Greenlanders are being intentionally marginalised from prospecting, owning and selling ruby from the very island that is their home.

As this photo demonstrates Greenland is rich in Ruby yet through institutional bureaucracy, corporate collusion and ethnic stereotyping the Bureau for Minerals and Petroleum (BMP) have prevented local people from creating a livelihood for themselves as the words of Lars Lund Sorensen (BMP) in July 2007 demonstrate, “We don’t want ‘those’ people making that kind of money”.

Until the documentation of valuable gem deposits in Greenland, Inuits were allowed to gather, polish and sell gem material. Once exceptionally valuable ruby was documented by True North Gems, the BMP issued completely new mining laws and moved to exclude local people from the ruby deposits.

“Once an applications is filed to mine, the BMP delays or outright refuses to issue licenses,” said Madsen a spokesperson for the 16th August Union, “We also want to benefit from the ruby we already collected and legally own and pay fair taxes, but at present that is not possible.”

Indigenous Greenlanders had always been permitted to hunt, mine and fish according to traditional methods and they have a unique historical and traditional relationship with the ‘Inik Amak‘ meaning the ‘eternal fire’ or ‘the flame that never goes out’ that is a beautiful way to describe the ruby. However when the local people became empowered and broke out of the Danish Colonial stereo type of using low grade ruby for native ethnic carvings and wanted to cut and polish stones of gem quality value and sell to the world market, the ethnic Danish administration (BMP) broke their own mining laws (section 32 of the previous mineral code) to stop Greenlanders from earning a living.

Traditional Ruby Prospecting - A beautiful way of life.

There is a serious moral disconnect in the current situation in Greenland. The fact that bureaucrats can dictate, based on European colonial legislation whether a local person can own a ruby picked up from the ground seems grounded in ignorance at best and at worst a cynical piece of racial prejudice. Even the new pro Inuit government seems to have been deceived by the so-called small-scale mining gemstone experts who by their own confession; ‘Have no knowledge of artisanal and small-scale mining in the gemstone sector‘ (Jorn Skov Nielsen Director of BMP). Last month the Greenland Ombudsman judged that the BMP had acted outside of their powers in ordering the arrest and the confiscation of ruby gathered by local small-scale miners.

What this means for the jeweller is that you cannot buy a Greenland Ruby from the hand of a local person.,

This story continues to define local politics in Greenland and responsible jewellers will boycott Ruby sold from Greenland until locals are allowed to make a living from the stones they love. The call to action is to write to the BMP Director Jorn Skov Nielsen (email and petition for legislation in the mining act that supports local people to create a livelihood from Ruby and other gemstones so responsible jewellers can buy stones from the hand of local people.

What’s needed is for common sense to prevail over bureaucracy.

For more information on how to support the Inuit in their campaign to make a living from Greenland Ruby, please contact Niels Madsen ( spokesperson for 16th August Union. Other useful articles on the issue can be found at or visit or contact me directly.

Topics: trollbeads, ruby mining, fair jewellry Action

Counterfeit Trollbeads Are Being Sold on Ebay

Posted by Louise Rogers on Mon, Jul 12, 2010 @ 14:07 PM

Counterfeit Trollbeads on Ebay

98.4% Positive feedback

BBBBBBBBBFrom time to time we will share with our collectors the existence of counterfeit Trollbeads being sold on Ebay.  In the mega industries of fashion handbags, watches and shoes, consumers are aware that all mega brands have counterfeits and know they are being sold on street corners and auction sites around the globe.  The process of creating counterfeits doesn't become profitable until a product becomes hot and Trollbeads is well on its way.  But unlike the mass market appeal of sunglasses and handbags, the counterfeiters of Trollbeads have a very small playing field, the auction site Ebay.

The Ebay Trollbeads selling high volumes have been found to be selling fake beads and there isn't much to be done to protect unsuspecting collectors from buying them, beyond informing them.  Ebay does not take responsibility for guarding consumers against these sellers.  You only need to read the New York Times to learn about the many lawsuits brought against Ebay by brands including Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Ralph Loren. For Trollbeads collectors whose numbers don't warrant major news articles, the information needs to come from those of us that care enough about the brand to share the facts. The selling of counterfeit products can destroy a brand and we need to fight it.

In June news came to me that one of the large counterfeit dealers on Ebay were removed from the site.  Prince Charms, a self confessed and a well known seller of fakes had been removed from Ebay.  This is great news for Trollbeads and for collectors everywhere. Thank you, Ebay for taking notice and taking action. Whether it was Ebay’s good sense, or a good lawyer for Trollbeads that accomplished it, congratulations. I had posted a discussion about the fake selling practices on our Trollbeads Gallery Forum and I was dumbfounded by the number of people who had bought from this dealer on Ebay.  It is quite disturbing for other collectors and for Trollbeads that people are actually buying these.  You need to know that it’s one thing buying fake purses, they don’t last very long. A Trollbeads bracelet lasts forever, buy the real thing from a real authorized dealer. There is no risk and you are actually adding value to your own collection by doing this.

A very interesting trend came to light during this truth session.  The Trollbeads Gallery Forum members that had purchased the beads and saw them as fakes could return the product for a refund but only if they left a positive feedback first.  That clears up a big mystery for me because I always wondered how these sellers got the positive ratings they had.

Now it is Mid July and another Seller of fake Trollbeads was just discovered on Ebay and once again many are buying from this seller.

Why don’t people do their research first? IS it to save a few dollars?  Stay away from Wiki-Piki.  We also keep updates on our Trollbeads Gallery Forum, join for the latest warning of Ebay dealers selling fake Trollbeads.

Take a stand for your brand and stay away from counterfeit Trollbeads. Only the collectors can boycott the fakes and keep the brand and it's name valuable.

For Authentic Trollbeads go to an Authorized dealer.  They are in 40 countries worldwide.

Trollbeads Gallery, an Authroized Dealer and Platinum Premium Partner.

Topics: Counterfeit Trollbeads, Trollbeads Gallery, trollbeads, Fake Trollbeads

When Are New Trollbeads Introduced?

Posted by Louise Rogers on Tue, Jul 06, 2010 @ 18:07 PM
Earth Bead Reissued Retired Trollbead.describe the image

New Trollbeads Releases are a very exciting time for everyone involved with Trollbeads! Trollbeads  introduces new products to its line throughout the year.  These new introductions are one of the ways Trollbeads stays ahead of the design curve by always challenging the norm to create something exciting, new and fresh.  There are usually two large introductions of new Troll beads to the existing line per year.  You will notice new color themes among the glass beads introductions and subject themes among the silver and gold beads.

Some of the new Trollbeads introductions include Limited Edition (L.E.)Trollbeads and are only offered to Premium Partner dealers. Trollbeads Gallery is a Platinum Level Premium Partner and receives the limited edition beads upon release. Trollbeads Gallery announces all new release bead information to our email list so be sure you have signed up! These smaller limited edition Trollbeadsl releases occur throughout the year.

The new products may include Italian glass beads in the three Glass Groups,faceted semi precious stone beads,18K gold beads, silver beads, new Trollbeads locks along with other new items of supporting jewelry. In early 2010 the Troll leather bracelets added a whole new dimension and a new way to wear your Trollbeads.

Each introduction is a very exciting time for Trollbeads, Trollbeads dealers and for the Trollbeads collectors. August will be our next big new Trollbeads introduction which will include the People's Bead 2010, the re-release voted for from the Trollbeads Museum from all the retired Trollbeads.

Earth was a collaborative design between Nicolas Aagaard and his grandfather Svend. It came to life in 2000 the same year that the Trollbeads 'bead on bracelet' concept was copied for the first time.

You'll find Earth, along with the Autumn Collection, at your local retailer from August 2010 (from Trollbeads Universe)

Topics: troll bracelets, Retired Trollbeads, Trollbeads Gallery, Troll beads, trollbeads, new trollbeads releases, trollbeads bracelets, new introductions, new 2010 Trollbeads People's Bead, Earth Bead re-release

Trollbeads is a Journey, Not a Destination

Posted by Louise Rogers on Mon, Jul 05, 2010 @ 20:07 PM

Yellow bracelet 2

I have a unique perspective from a Trollbeads collectors point of view and this has helped me understand something.  Not only am I a Troll collector, I have a Trollbeads store , I am a seller of Retired Trollbeads, a Trollbeads Gallery Forum moderator and manager, a Trollbeads website manager and that's just the tipof the iceberg.

My perspective is one of experience, research and personal friendships to the largest and most enthusiastic collectors of Trollbeads around the world.  Some of these personal collections rival the inventories of many authorized Trollbeads stores. But these collections aren't created by greed or by the  "have to have more than so and so" thoughts, they are created by a depth of passion that goes way beyond many of the "collectables" of recent decades. Compare it to other subsequent beads lines, all of todays bead line are subsequent to Trollbeads so pick any of them and make a comparison.  There is none.  No other line has the depth of colors and materials Trollbeads has not do the silver and gold beads have the fine artistic quality to them.  There just isn't another bead that can muster this much passion and when one starts collecting them  they just can't and won't stop.  There are over 500 beads in todays offerings but that doesn't even begin to describe the color families of glass or the color families of jade, pearls, aventurines, you name it.  The best part of this unparalleled selection is that collectors join in the creative process and design bracelets, many of them, based on themes,color ways, personal meanings and eras of the beads themselves.  When there is 35 years of Trollbead history, there are plenty of eras from which to create and to draw from for the many ideas you may have.

When working on your Ocean or water themed Troll bracelets make sure you visit our Retired Trollbeads Gallery to see the Flounder bead! Hurry before he gets away!  Or when you start working on your pale blue themed Trollbeads bracelet check out the Light Blue Stripe.

So don't ever consider your bracelet finished if your chain is full, it is only the beginning of your Trollbeads Journey.

Topics: trollbead collections, troll bracelets, trollbeads history, Retired Trollbeads, troll beads themes, Trollbeads Gallery, trollbeads, trollbeads bracelets, trollbeads gallery forum, trollbeads glass beads, trollbeads starter, Light Blue stripe, trollbead collector

Trollbeads Gallery Has New Starter Bracelets from TrollbeadsU.S.!!

Posted by Louise Rogers on Fri, Jul 02, 2010 @ 18:07 PM
15 115 Elegant Affair L 

For a few years now Trollbeads has offered “Starter Bracelets”.  What are starter bracelets? They are just that, a group of bracelets with a start, beads chosen to be used together to create a visually engaging “starter” bracelet.  For many men and even woman, the thought of starting a Trollbeads bracelet can sometimes be daunting and by offering these starter bracelets, Trollbeads has been offering anyone who chose it, a jump start. These Trollbeads bracelets have always proven to be the perfect gift. Perfect because not only are you giving a great gift, you are also assuring that you will always know what to give as a gift going forward...Trollbeads!

As new beads have been introduced into the Troll line and as other older Trollbeads have been retired, it came time to introduce a whole new exciting set of starter bracelets! Seven different color themes and seven different bead themes. Follow the links and take a look. Here they are! 

The seven brand new starter bracelets are:

Elegant Affair

Fall Fashion


Pretty in Pink

Sea Grass

The Shore 

As you look at each design think of the people you know and match them to a bracelet, it’s a well rounded group, isn’t it?

Topics: trollbeads starter bracelets, Trollbeads Gallery, Troll beads, trollbeads, trollbeads bracelets

Trollbeads Popularity is Exploding. Is it a sign of the times?

Posted by Louise Rogers on Tue, Jun 29, 2010 @ 22:06 PM

trollbeads gallery bracelet

How much does timing have to do with Trollbeads recent explosion in popularity? Beyond very effective distribution, there is something else propelling this rapid rise.
World economies have always played a direct part in how consumers relate to their money and what they spend their money on. When times are good and money is loose the reasons for buying become less clear. Decisions are arrived at with less consideration and have less consequence because the money is plentiful. However when the economy is in a recession, decisions are made with extreme care. During a recession the consumer is looking for value in any purchase but more importantly, the purchase must have meaning. The recent recession has people spending a lot less and what they do buy must add meaning to their life. This may seem like a tough target to aim for but Trollbeads is hitting the bead right at the bull's eye.
With Trollbeads every bead tells a story and has a meaning, this is value added beyond the physical bead itself. It's the everlasting sense of something one can hold, either in their heart or in their hand that can give the feeling of security in unpredictable times. Trollbeads offers so much more security than any two carat diamond could. Recently with many fine jewelry stores deciding to carry Trollbeads, it's obvious they too have noticed the trend. While gold hits astronomic prices and diamonds lose their meaning, jewelers are also discovering Trollbeads can help them weather the economic times.
From the "Faith,Hope and Charity" bead to the "Friendship" bead, there are so many different Trollbeads that can help fill a void in the present and give you a tangible symbol as a memory for the future. 
Is Trollbeads rise in popularity a sign of the times or are they a sign of how many of us coped with the times?

Topics: economic times, recent recession, reasons for buying, Trollbeads Gallery, trollbeads, value shopping