Before I update you on the July 4th Unique bead collection and about the 2015 Summer Trollbeads Sale I wanted to tell you about the NEW Trollbeads Gallery. I have been working on it and it is a work in process but please visit and take a look. The images are larger and more clear and the words are easier to read! More work continues but I am happy to say we have had very positive feedback! Enough about the site!
This will just be a quick update as there are so many things happening in July that I will write about later! I wanted to let everyone know that our July 4th Unique Trollbeads are listed and as usual there is not a great quantity as red, white and blue beads are rare. I do supplement the group with red and blue beads but for the beads that are just red, white and blue...they are rare!
If you look at the bracelet below you will see a smattering of unique beads mixed in with stardard glass beads! There are many red, white and blue beads you may already own that when mixed with a couple unique beads can start your July 4th celebrations on their way! Below are links to the glass Trollbeads you can purchase to mix with your July 4th Unique beads.
Bright Red Prism $34.00 A great bright red!
White Stripes $34.00 Great because it is white but also because it is stripes!
Joyful $72.00 The mood I get in when ever I hear the National Anthem or watch fireworks!
Scarlet Bud $34.00 Another perfect red for this holiday celebration!
Shooting Stars $315.00 Diamonds and silver good for any celebration!
White Diamonds $63.00 White with the glitter of inset cz's!
The News about Trollbeads is that there is a SALE coming up!! Woohoo! I will be writing a blog about the sale but it includes all items released before 2015!
A reminder: The Trollbeads City Collection is only going to be offered until 6-22-2015...4 more days only! So jump on it if you have not yet purchased them!